#2177 – Pricing

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Friday, 18 March 2022 13:24 GMT
 I would like to have a fixed charge of €55 for up to 4 persons and then €5 for each additional person.
This would be from a single airport to a single hotel. How can I implement this?
Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:14 GMT
SumUp for Taxi Booking J4
Hi there,
it is not possible to set this pricing directly in Car management or Special routes. Special routes are meant for the whole car rental regardless of the number of people in the vehicle. You create Special routes from POI to POI eg. from a single airport to a single hotel. Here is more information about Special routes: https://kanev.com/blog/21-how-to-use-taxi-booking-for-fixed-prices-between-destinations
However, you could create a custom field named eg. "Additional passengers over 4" - Option list type - Display on: First booking step - Show on Drop off: Yes - POI Category (select all by holding the Ctrl button) - Field options: New and create all additional seats with a number and price eg. Title: 1 - Price: 5; Title: 2 - Price: 10; Title: 3 - Price: 15 and so on.
You can set this field as Mandatory or not but if it's mandatory it is a good idea to include option Title: 0 - Price: 0 for cases that there are no additional passengers.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.
Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:31 GMT
Thank you.
Excellent instructions and it is exactly what I needed.
I do have one issue, if the client chooses to book the return service the additional price is not added.
Can you help?
Many thanks,
Friday, 29 April 2022 11:59 BST
SumUp for Taxi Booking J4
Hi there,
sorry for the late reply. We did not realize that there is an additional issue attached to this ticket.
For us to check your setup Please provide Temporary back end and FTP login details to your website in a PRIVATE ticket so we can take a closer look and help you with your issue.

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Kind regards.

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