Currency conversion for any currency - display purpose and Cash payments only
Currency conversion in User details screen for all payment method Totals. This will be for display purposes only, payment processing will remain as it is with the main currency for all payment gateways but Companies can take cash payments in the user selected currency if they wish. Both Charged currency and Converted currency in the emails and PDFs.
Currency converter settings will be added at the back end with the following options:
Show Currency converter: Yes/No
List of currencies to show: - For list of Currencies we will use Multi select section for Admin to Ctrl click currencies they want displayed at the front end.
List of currencies will contain all currencies available in currency converter API.
Hi Mariam... If you remember, the last year I paid the contribution to develop a currency convertidor only to dollars USA . This proposal runs the same function? . Regards ...JAIME RODOLFO /
Hi Jaime, no, this development is not the same as yours - you needed to convert PayPal currency and process payments in PayPal supported currencies. This one is for display purposes only - any currency can be set up so the customer can see the price in their own currency for reference. However, payment will be processed in the main currency set up by Admin. Cheers.