Please note that since December 2013 Limo Booking is no longer supported and all features have been transferred to our Taxi Booking extension.

Brief description:

Limo Booking component for Joomla 2.5 suitable for Limousine booking, shuttle booking, minicab booking, taxi booking and other transportation booking companies that have set (Flat rate) prices between 2 destinations. 

Limo Booking Joomla component online documentation:

1. Installation:

1.1 After you download the .zip package, please log in to your Joomla back end pannel and click on Extensions -> Install to go to Joomla's installation interface.

Click on the Browse button and locate archive on your hard drive.

Click on Upload File & Install.

After the installation is complete you will be able to see Limo Booking component in the Components Joomla menu.

Click on Limo Booking to visit back end Limo Booking interface. Then click on Configuration link in the top right corner. You will be able to set up PayPal and (credit card payment gateway) here. Please, make sure that you click on Save after you have made all required changes.

Make sure that you input a propper, verified PayPal business or premier account to receive online bookings.

1.2. Click on Settings to review and set up any of the available Options to your liking. Don't forget to click on Save & Close after you are done.

1.3. Click on Points of Interest tab and set up atleast one pair of From/To locations for Limo Booking to work. Don't forget to click on Submit button in any of the 6 available tabs (categories) that you wish to use. Then click on Save & Close in the top right corner of your screen (standard Joomla 2.5 backend template, may be different position in custom backend templates)

1.4. Now Add a Menu link to Limo Booking component in any of the available Joomla menus.

1.5. Visit your website's Front End and click on Limo Booking link to view the result.

1.6. Enjoy and we wish you to make tons of money and make your customers happy with Online Limo Booking solution.

2. Management:

All Management functionalities are in the Back end Admin interface of Limo Booking component.


Change Tab names or any other labels at front end:

You can change these titles by logging to your server via FTP client and browsing to your_site_root/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_limobooking.ini Here you can look for words like "Airports", "Hotels" etc. and change them to the way you like. Only change phrases between " " . This is Limo Booking's front end language file and this file can be translated in other languages if you have a multi lingual website.

Limo Booking is following standard Joomla multi language structure.


Translate Taxi Booking into different languages:
It is easy to translate Limo Booking into different languages (we have no copies translated in other languages as we constantly add new features and more language strings that need to be translated in newer versions, the ones that you have already translated will stay intact).
Here is a guide how to translate Limo Booking into French:
Log in to your server via FTP and find /language/en-GB/en-GB.com_limobooking.ini file.
Download it to your hard disk and double click on it to open it.
You will see a text strings structured like this: SOME_TEXT="Some text", the text between " " is the text that you need to translate in your new language.
Before you start translating please save the file with a new name, that corresponds your language eg. fr-FR.com_limobooking.ini for French. Please make user that you save the file in UTF-8 encoding to properly display special characters: an example using ordinary Notepad program on Windows that opens .ini files by default - when you click on File > Save as, choose Save as > All files so you don't change the file extension from .ini to .txt, in the bottom right corner of the window you will see Encoding: ANSI (by default), click on the ANSI drop down and select UTF-8 there, click on Save and now you will have your French file ready to be translated.
Now double click on your newly created file to open it in the text editor again.
Translate all strings between " " and save the file.
Then log on to your server via your favorite FTP program and upload your newly created French file to /language/fr-FR/ folder so you are able to see /language/fr-FR/fr-FR.com_limobooking.ini file.
Follow the same procedure for Limo Booking's module with file en-GB.mod_limobooking.ini
To translate administration back end Limo booking file you can do the same but admin language files are located in /admin/language/en-GB/ folder of your website.
Alternatively you can use this tutorial: to create installable language package for Joomla 2.5.


Get Limo Booking

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