#1481 – pwa pop-ups problems

Posted in ‘Progressive Web App’
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Tuesday, 22 May 2018 17:43 BST

I have installed the pwa component and globally it works but i have few problems.

I would like to have control on the "add to homescreen" popup, the problem is it show only one time and if the page is reloaded it never show again.
Because of the rgpd law i have a cookie bar which show, and when user click on "accept cookies" it reload the page to activate the cookies, the consequence is that the "add to homescreen" popup disapear and never show again.
I don't really know how works this part, can you tell me quickly where is it in the component code ?

I would like to temporarly disable the push notifications, so i disabled the "kpwa notifications" plugin but i have the "subscribe to push notification" popup which show again. Why ?

Wednesday, 23 May 2018 07:23 BST
RedSys for Taxi Booking

1) Actually, Chrome decides when to show the App install prompt. When the following criteria are met, Chrome will show the prompt to the user.

  • The web app is not already installed
  • Currently, the user has interacted with the domain for at least 30 seconds
  • Meets the Progressive Web App criteria such as Includes a web app manifest with short_name, start_url parameter etc.

FYI, manifest file is included in the web page via "Kpwa resources" system plugin. Chrome is always improving this feature and we will also release new version if there is any major update.

2) "kpwa notifications" plugin actually handles sending push notification on new article submission. "Kpwa resources" system plugin includes all necessary resources (JS and manifest) to the web page, so you have to disable both the plugins to disable push notification completely.

Please let us know if you still have any query.

Hope this helps
Wednesday, 23 May 2018 11:10 BST

thanks for your response, i am looking at google docs and i just see that :

Caution: Beginning in Chrome 68 (May 2018), Chrome will not automatically show the Add to Home Screen prompt, instead, you must trigger it by using the beforeinstallprompt event.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018 11:27 BST
RedSys for Taxi Booking
Ok, I have also noticed that, but Chrome 68 might not be released yet, we are planning to update our Progressive Web App for Joomla extension, hope to release next version soon. You can also suggest improvements. Please stay in touch with us.

Thanks a lot
Friday, 02 November 2018 15:14 GMT
RedSys for Taxi Booking

We have released a new version of Progressive Web App extension with few important updates including offline caching feature. Please update your package to the latest release and let us know if you find any problem or need any assistance.

Thanks & Regards

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