#2661 – Some Questions Regarding Taxibooking for Wordpress

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Thursday, 06 June 2024 10:01 BST
Taxi Booking recurring updates Annually, Stripe for Taxi Booking, Authorize.net for Taxi Booking, Taxi Booking recurring updates
Wanted to ask some questions regarding Taxibooking for Wordpress as i am already using Taxibooking in Joomla and was not able to find multiple settings.

1) Can i configure prices cumulative? distance based
2) Can i configure Hourly prices for each car?
3) Is teriff availalbe?
Thursday, 06 June 2024 10:18 BST
Joomla LMS Free
Hi Mike please see the replies to your questions below:
1) Can i configure prices cumulative? distance based - yes, you can do that for each car in Car edit view > Distance sectors tab
2) Can i configure Hourly prices for each car? - no, this isn't available in Taxi Booking for WordPress yet
3) Is teriff available? - no, this isn't available in Taxi Booking for WordPress yet

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.
Wednesday, 26 June 2024 08:31 BST
Taxi Booking recurring updates Annually, Stripe for Taxi Booking, Authorize.net for Taxi Booking, Taxi Booking recurring updates
Can you let me know if Hourly feature will be available in future versions of Wordpress Taxibooking
Wednesday, 26 June 2024 09:40 BST
Joomla LMS Free
we are planning to add the Hourly hire feature to Taxi Booking for WordPress but we can't commit to a specific date as we have many requests for additional development and we are adding features with paid development fee first.
If you are interested in a price quote and timeframe for development please let us know so we can provide them to you.

Kind regards.

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