Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for WordPress’
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Thursday, 06 June 2024 21:46 BST
Taxi Booking recurring updates Annually
 Hello, can you tell me which elements of Taxibooking for Joomla 3 performance are not present in Taxibooking for wordpress?

Kind regards.
Friday, 07 June 2024 08:12 BST
Joomla LMS Free
there are quite a few differences between Taxi Booking for Joomla 3 and Taxi Booking for WordPress.
Hourly hire, Daily hire, Tours and Shuttles are missing from Taxi Booking for WordPress.

However, all Taxi Booking for Joomla 3 features and more like Fixed fares from Zone to Zone are available in the cloud software here: https://booking.drivenot.com

I hope this helps.
Kind regards.

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