#2241 – Taxibooking J4

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Thursday, 26 January 2023 12:10 GMT
Stripe for Taxi Booking
 Hi dear Kanev team

Im, not interested in drive Not application, because I don't want customer first login to my website then login to drive not cloud is big turn off for my customers. My website offer wide range of services.

Also is not legal for GDPR to send people personal data to your cloud.

My solution was to install Joomla 3 in sub directory of J4, but there is one problem, users still need to login to check their orders, I don't want that.

So my question is regarding Taxi Booking Light, what is difference with Pro because I read in your blog that you can upgrade to pro if you buy separate extension?

Can you tell me more about it.

Thank you
Friday, 10 February 2023 09:35 GMT
Hi Marko,
DriveNot application is complient with GDPR for the EU. Your customers don't have to log in to DriveNot to make bookings - the system will automatically stack bookings in the user account verified by the email used to make the booking.

Taxi Booking light will only offer the price per mile/kilometre service type. We are working on Joomla 4 version of it but there will be no Fixed fare routes, Shuttles, Daily or Hourly hire, Private tours etc.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.
Friday, 10 February 2023 20:57 GMT
Stripe for Taxi Booking
"Your customers don't have to log in to DriveNot to make bookings - the system will automatically stack bookings in the user account verified by the email used to make the booking."

That's part is clear since Taxi booking already work the same, but what after user want to go check their past orders on website account?

He will need to log in Drive not application to see past orders or how will be done?

Another question,
In taxi booking confirmation email after user make booking
I add custom code php to send customer email to my advertising email system. Also I add on the bottom of email advertisement banner for my other services on my website with links, will this still be possible with drive not application?

Tuesday, 14 February 2023 12:11 GMT
Hi Marko,
yes, users will have to log in to DriveNot application to check their past orders.
You can add links and text to your emails but you won't be able to add any PHP code to send customers to external advertising systems.

Kind regards.
Thursday, 16 February 2023 19:49 GMT
Stripe for Taxi Booking
Is not working for me, I have forum for support, a shop, and taxi booking, also turist tours, I need users on my website so they can log in check their past bookings, past shop orders, their topic in forum and so on.
There I guess, is a reasonable decision for you to not support Joomla any more, but is unfortunate for us.

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