Taxi Booking for Joomla 4
- Details
- Written by M. Kanev
- Last Updated: 11 June 2024
- Created: 01 July 2018
- Hits: 11927
Taxi Booking Light for Joomla 4 is a lighter version of the famous Taxi Booking for Joomla extension.
With Taxi Booking Light you can start selling your transportation services on your website in minutes.
Taxi Booking Light has the same front-end booking form as Taxi Booking for Joomla, as well as a back-end management panel for Cars, Settings, and Orders.
The main differences with Taxi Booking for Joomla are that Taxi Booking Light has a built-in just Address to Address* (price per mile/kilometre) service type and Cash only a payment method.
Taxi Booking Light can be extended with the rest of the payment methods available for separate purchases.
Horizontal and Vertical Quick booking modules are also available.
Fully open source, multi-domain licensed software - install on as many websites as you like.
90 days of support and updates (can be extended).
Taxi Booking Light has been updated to work with Joomla 4.
Taxi Booking Light for Joomla 4 also has Custom fields built in.
To request a backend demo please contact us.
Taxi Booking for Joomla 4 Demo here
Price: £99.99
Get Taxi Booking Light for Joomla 4 here
Back-end screenshots:
Settings > Base settings
* Taxi Booking Light requires Google Maps API keys so you need to have a Google developers account and you have to enable billing for it to have your API keys operational. As of June 16th 2018, Google Maps provides a $200 free credit per month to cover the previous "free tier" of API usage.
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