£ 99.99 Taxi Booking for Joomla 2.5/3.x

Subscription to Taxi Booking for Joomla 2.5/3.x

After successful purchase please log in to the website and you will see Register button turn to User Options. In User Options select My Downloads to go to the download area of the website.

90 days Unlimited support via email and Support tickets at http://kanev.com/support/taxi-booking included.

  • Optional: Renew any time for £99.99 recurring annual subscription. Renewing your subscription will give you access to the latest available downloads and additional support. No Contracts, Cancel any time and keep the subscription until the end of the paid period.

Even when your subscription expires the Software will NOT stop working!

The Software will run indefinitely and you can use it on multiple domains and modify it to your liking as it is Fully Open Source.

One click Live Update is available at the back end of Taxi Booking while your subscription is active.

£ 19.99 Autoresponder

  • Autoresponder for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3

This is a 365 day subscription

Even if your subscription expires this doesn't mean that your Software will stop working!

Subscription will give you access to the latest update releases and to our Support Forum and email support ticket system.

See Autoresponder component documentation.

The Software will run indefinitely and you can use it on multiple domains and modify it to your liking as it is Fully Open Source.

£ 99.99 Share Cost - Joomla Crowdfunding

Subscription to Share Cost - Crowdfunding for Joomla

You will be able to download Component, Modules and Plugins available in a single package.

90 days support via email and Support Forums included.

30% discount on any additional subscription on our website.

Even if your subscription expires this doesn't mean that your Software will stop working!

Subscription will give you access to the latest update releases and to our Support Forum and email support ticket system.

The Software will run indefinitely and you can use it on multiple domains and modify it to your liking as it is Fully Open Source.

One click Live Update is available at the back end of Share Cost - Crowdfunding for Joomla while your subscription is active.

£ 39.99 Authorize.net for Taxi Booking

Authorize.net Payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking

£ 39.99 PayFast for Taxi Booking

PayFast Payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking

£ 39.99 CECA for Taxi Booking

CECA Payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking

£ 39.99 CardSave for Taxi Booking

CardSave Payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking

£ 39.99 SystemPay for Taxi Booking

SystemPay Payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking

£ 39.99 Invoice Later and Corporate clients management

Invoice later and Corporate accounts management is an Add on for Taxi Booking that makes it possible to maintain Clients list and send the clients Invoice once a month with all Orders done in that month.

Payment reminders for PayPal payments can be sent through the back end. Client can pay online in their special front end section or Admin can add payments manually through the back end if alternative payment methods like Cash or Credit card are used to settle Clients' bill.

Corporate client section will appear in My Orders tab for users who are set as Clients at Taxi Booking > Users and Clients will be able to view and pay for past and current invoices in the Corporate client section.

£ 4.99 Lead Magnet for Joomla

Subscription to Lead Magnet for Joomla.

After successful purchase please log in to the website and you will see Register button turn to User Options. In User Options select My Downloads to go to the download are of the website.

90 days support via email and Support tickets at http://kanev.com/support/lead-magnet included.

  • Renew any time. Renewing your subscription will give you access to the latest available downloads and support section. Unlike with other renewal programs you will not lose any subscription time if you update early. 

Even when your subscription expires the Software will NOT stop working!

The Software will run indefinitely and you can use it on multiple domains and modify it to your liking as it is Fully Open Source.

£ 39.99 Alpha User Points

Alpha User Points integration plugin for Taxi Booking

£ 39.99 Stripe for Taxi Booking

Stripe payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking

£ 39.99 RedSys for Taxi Booking

RedSys payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking. Compatible with Servired and Sempara also.

£ 39.99 Mollie - iDeal for Taxi Booking

Mollie - iDeal payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking.

£ 39.99 moneta.ru for Taxi Booking

moneta.ru payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking.

£ 39.99 Taxi Booking Drivers

Taxi Booking Drivers is a separate extension that connects to the Drivers and Cars and allows additional functionality like Assign Drivers to Cars, Drivers receive order notifications to Accept or Decline jobs and other Driver related options.

More details can be found in the documentation.

£ 14.99 Progressive Web App for Joomla

Subscription to Progressive Web App for Joomla.

Before you purchase please make sure that you have the following on your server:

Your server needs PHP GMP extension (http://php.net/manual/en/book.gmp.php). If it's not enabled already, please contact your Hosting provider for help.

Browsers need to verify your identity. A standard called VAPID can authenticate you for all browsers. You'll need to create and provide a public and private key for your server and add those keys in the Component Options panel.

To generate the uncompressed public and secret key, encoded in Base64, enter the following in your Linux bash via SSH or contact your Hosting provider for help.

3 separate commands:

$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out private_key.pem

$ openssl ec -in private_key.pem -pubout -outform DER|tail -c 65|base64|tr -d '=' |tr '/+' '_-' >> public_key.txt

$ openssl ec -in private_key.pem -outform DER|tail -c +8|head -c 32|base64|tr -d '=' |tr '/+' '_-' >> private_key.txt

When the .txt files are generated you can open them and copy and paste the keys into your Joomla website > Components >  Progressive App > Options panel.

Download the web-push-php library and upload it to SITE_ROOT/libraries/vendor/. Unzip it there or unzip prior to upload, the library has to end up in SITE_ROOT/libraries/vendor/web-push-php/

We can only provide support if the above requirements are fully met!


After successful purchase please log in to the website and you will see Register button turn to User Options. In User Options select My Downloads to go to the download area of the website.

90 days support via email and Support tickets at http://kanev.com/support/lead-magnet included.

  • Renew any time. Renewing your subscription will give you access to the latest available downloads and support section. Unlike with other renewal programs you will not lose any subscription time if you update early. 

Even when your subscription expires the Software will NOT stop working!

The Software will run indefinitely and you can use it on multiple domains and modify it to your liking as it is Fully Open Source.

£ 69.99 Taxi Booking Light

Taxi Booking Light is a lighter, modular version of Taxi Booking for Joomla.

Taxi Booking Light has built-in only Address to Address (price per mile/kilometre) service type and Cash payment method.

Taxi Booking Light can be extended with online payment methods and different service types as well as additional features.

Taxi Booking Light comes with 90 days of support and updates for a fraction of the price of Taxi Booking for Joomla.

£ 39.99 Taxi Booking Light - PayPal

PayPal online payment method for Taxi Booking Light.

Install as a normal Joomla extension. Go to Extensions > Plugins and make sure that PayPal for Taxi Booking Light is published.

Go to Taxi Booking Light > Payment methods > New. Select PayPal in the payment methods drop-down. Save (not Save and Close) and go to the Configuration tab to set up your PayPal credentials and options.

£ 39.99 Taxi Booking Light - Stripe

Stripe online payment method for Taxi Booking Light.

Install as a normal Joomla extension. Go to Extensions > Plugins and make sure that Stripe for Taxi Booking Light is published.

Go to Taxi Booking Light > Payment methods > New. Select Stripe in the payment methods drop-down. Save (not Save and Close) and go to the Configuration tab to set up your Stripe credentials and options.

£ 34.99 Tour Booking

Tour Booking is an extension for Joomla which allows you to create Tours and sell tickets for them.

£ 39.99 EasyPay for Taxi Booking

EasyPay Payment gateway plugin for Taxi Booking

£ 120 Taxi Booking for WordPress

Taxi Booking for WordPress is a plugin that you can install on your WordPress website and use to get online bookings for taxi services (or other distance-based services) priced by mile/kilometer and Fixed fares between 2 destinations. 

NOTE: This is an annual recurring subscription and will be automatically renewed in 365 days unless you cancel it through your payment processor (PayPal or Stripe) dashboard.

Unlock the full potential of innovation with an annual subscription for open-source software. Enjoy continuous updates, premium support, and exclusive features.

If you have the FREE version Deactivate/Uninstall it before installing the PRO version.

£ 99.99 Taxi Booking Light J4

Taxi Booking Light for Joomla 4 is in place of Taxi Booking for Joomla 3.

Taxi Booking Light has a built-in Address to Address (price per mile/kilometre) service type.

Taxi Booking Light can be extended with online payment methods and different service types as well as additional features.

Taxi Booking Light comes with 365 days of support and updates.

£ 39.99 Taxi Booking for WordPress - Stripe

Stripe online payment method for Taxi Booking for WordPress.

Install as a normal WordPress plugin and activate.

You will see Taxi Booking Stripe in the left-hand admin menu area. You can click on Settings to add your Download ID and get one-click Live updates of the plugin.

Go to Taxi Booking > Payment methods and click on the "Add new" button.

Type the Title of the plugin as you want your customers to see it at the front end (eg. Credit/Debit cards via Stripe).

Select "Stripe" in the dropdown and "Save" - you will now see all Stripe options in the Configuration tab.

Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the setup process.


You can now accept payments via Stripe for your Taxi Booking orders. 


£ 39.99 SumUp for Taxi Booking J4

SumUp payment gateway for Taxi Booking for Joomla 4

£ 120 WordPress theme + Taxi Booking Pro

Sign-up: £ 120

1. A professional, fully responsive WordPress theme.

2. Taxi Booking Professional for WordPress.

3. Professional installation of the whole package.

4. Support and updates for 365 days.

One-time fee of £240 for all of the above.

£120 annual subscription (£10 per month) thereafter. 

£ 39.99 Taxi Booking for WordPress - Stripe delayed payment

Stripe online payment method for Taxi Booking for WordPress.

Install as a normal WordPress plugin and activate.

You will see Taxi Booking Stripe in the left-hand admin menu area. You can click on Settings to add your Download ID and get one-click Live updates of the plugin.

Go to Taxi Booking > Payment methods and click on the "Add new" button.

Type the Title of the plugin as you want your customers to see it at the front end (eg. Credit/Debit cards via Stripe).

Select "Stripe" in the dropdown and "Save" - you will now see all Stripe options in the Configuration tab.

Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the setup process.


You can now accept payments via Stripe for your Taxi Booking orders. 


£ 299.99 Joomla LMS

Effortlessly Create and Manage Your Learning Journey with Joomla LMS Pro

Unlock the full potential of your e-learning initiatives with Joomla LMS, the ultimate Joomla LMS extension designed for seamless integration and unparalleled ease of use.

With Joomla LMS, you're not just adopting a tool; you're revolutionising how you deliver education online.


  • Online payments to sell courses.
  • Multilingual content creation for Courses.
  • Page builder integration to easily add responsive videos, images, tabs, accordions, text, and other content elements.

One-off payment - Unlimited websites.


FREE Joomla LMS Free

£ 39.99 Stripe delayed payment TBJ4

KANEV Web Development limited is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Joomla Project or Open Source Matters.

KANEV Web Development limited is registered in England and Wales #8902407