Taxi Booking Drivers
- Details
- Written by M. Kanev
- Last Updated: 28 January 2022
- Created: 04 January 2016
- Hits: 23611
Taxi Booking for Drivers - no app needed, Accept or Decline jobs through email.
Drivers extension for Taxi Booking adds Drivers management and new functionality.
Taxi Booking Drivers is a separate package that you need to install in addition to Taxi Booking for Joomla extension on your website.
After you install the extension you can go to your back end > Components > Taxi Booking Drivers.
There are 2 sections:
1. Settings:
Turn On automatic Driver notification: Yes/No - when you set Yes here Drivers will automatically receive Order notifications to Accept or Decline jobs through their email.
Send email to next driver in (mins): - Enter wait time in minutes. If the Driver does not Accept or Decline a Job in the time frame you set here then the next driver in line will automatically receive a notification email. After that time has passed the first driver will see an Error message if clicks on the Accept or Decline buttons in their job notification email.
Note: Don't forget to Save the screen if you have made any changes.
2. Drivers - this section will only display a list of all your drivers. Clicking on a driver will take you to Users > Edit user screen where you can edit some of the Driver's details.
After you install Taxi Booking for Drivers in Car management you will be able to assign each Car to only one Driver.
Price: £39.99 £19.99 (this is an extension of Taxi Booking for Joomla and is compatible with Joomla 3.x websites only)
If a driver is already assigned, he/she will disappear from Drop down list for other cars.
When a new Order is submitted at the front end Drivers who are assigned to the same Car type will receive a chain email.
Car with lowest ID receives the first email and if Driver clicks Accept, Order is assigned to him/her.
If the Driver clicks Decline the Order is emailed to the next Car ID in the chain.
Order is Waiting before being Accepted by the Driver, after he/she accepts status changes to Accepted - emails are sent to the customer and admin(s).
To get your system sending Accept/Decline emails to the next driver in the driver chain (if a driver has not responded in the given time in your settings) you will have to add a Cron job to your Hosting control panel (contact your hosting support if adding cron jobs is not obvious or you have troubles with that setting). Your cron job should be triggered every 5 mins and if you use "wget" it should look similar to:
*/5 * * * * wget -O /dev/null "http://YOURDOMAIN.COM/index.php?option=com_
Replace "YOURDOMAIN.COM" with your actual website.
Looking for WordPress taxi plugin?: Taxi Booking for WordPress