Additional information
- Details
- Written by M. Kanev
- Last Updated: 22 June 2019
- Created: 19 December 2014
- Hits: 9735
Taxi Booking's Settings panel is divided into sections:
General Settings:
Distance Unit - Choose between Miles or Kilometers
Booking allowed after (hours) - use this field to block bookings before a certain period of time (eg. you can't take bookings without 12 hours Note: - enter 12, for 30 minutes enter 0.5).
Date format - choose between European and US date format to show at the front end for your users.
Date picker Type - choose between jQuery (pop up) calendar or Inline (Date/Month/Year) calendar. Note: if you use Text-to-Speach on your website only Inline calendar can be read.
Time format - choose between 24h time format and 12h AM/PM time format.
Load current date: Yes/No - if you set to Yes the current Date will be added at the front end when users visit the booking form.
Show Address tab: Yes/No - this setting will show or hide the Address tab in the booking form. Note: Address tab is where Price per distance is calculated.
Use Pick up POI: Yes/No - show or hide Points of Interest drop down for Pick up selection.
Use Pick up Address: Yes/No - show or hide Address autocomplete selection for Pick up selection. Note: User location button will also be available when this option is set to Yes.
Use Drop off POI: Yes/No - show or hide Points of Interest drop down for Drop off selection.
Use Drop off Address: Yes/No - show or hide Address autocomplete selection for Drop off selection. Note: User location button will also be available when this option is set to Yes.
Show Special offers tab: Yes/No - this setting will show or hide the Special offers tab on the booking form. Note: Special offers are used for flat/fixed rate fares between 2 destinations. There is a separate Settings section to create your special routes that will be used for bookings.
Enable Swap routes: Yes/No
Swap Routes
At front end Swap destinations button for Special routes (Flat rate/ Fixed Price routes). This will help you customers quickly swapping 2 routes and also reduce creating Special routes both for Pick up - Drop off and reverse. The Swap functionality will reload the Custom fields so you don't have to worry if you only have Extras for Pick up point and not the same for Drop off like "Meet and Greet package" for example.
Show Categories Drop down: Yes/No - if set to Yes POI Categories will be shown as a dynamic drill down - Points of Interest will appear based on POI Category selected by the customer. Only Points of Interest that belong to the selected POI Category and that are used for Special Route creation will be available.
Show Hourly tab: Yes/No - this setting will show or hide the Hourly hire tab on the booking form. Note: Even if set to Yes, you will need to Enable at least one Car for Hourly hire in Cars management and set price per hour to show this Tab on the booking form.
Show Shuttle tab: Yes/No - this setting will show or hide the Shuttle booking tab at the front end. Note: You will need at least one Shuttle route created in the Shuttle routes section to make this Tab visible.
Default tab: Address/Special routes/Hourly/Shuttle - this sets the active Tab on the first load of the front end booking form. Will reflect in the Taxi Booking module as well.
Default adult seats: - number of default Adult seats loaded at front end booking form.
PDF receipt file name: - creates a custom name for PDF receipts automatically send to your customers (eg. use your_company_name).
Enable Captcha: Yes/No - Captcha challenge at the end of the booking process before the order is submitted.
Combine Cars by Type: Yes/No - This option will combine Cars shown at the front end Cars table by Type. Note: Use this option if you have many vehicles of the same type in your fleet so only a Car type is shown not all available vehicles.
Show number of same type cars: Yes/No - complimentary to the above option you can show or hide the number of available vehicles of the same type at the front end Cars table.
General Price Settings
Show price Yes/No - if you wish to run Taxi Booking as Quote request system this option will hide all prices at the front end, client emails and PDF receipts.
Auto approve Free order: Yes/No - if you use Taxi Booking for free services (free hotel Shuttle for example) set this to Yes so Car availability is blocked off and automatically Accept new orders.
Debug price calculation: Yes/No - set to Yes will display all charges added to the Total under each Car at front end Cars table. Note: Even if set to Yes, price calculations will be only shown to logged in Super users and Administrators. Logged in customers will not see these calculations. This option is very useful in the begging when you are setting up Taxi Booking to your pricing model.
Round up Price?: No/Whole number/Nearest 5 upwards - Taxi Booking calculates prices to 2 digits after the decimal, if you wish to round off prices use the Whole number to round off .49 to the lower integer and .50 to the higher integer; Nearest 5 upwards will round off eg. 18.59 to 20, 14.01 to 15 etc.
Initial call charge - Administrative flat fee when the customer enters the Car. You can set this to 0 if you just charge per unit distance.
Minimum Distance - here you can set up a Distance minimum that you want to charge a flat fare (set amount below), eg. 5 for any trip up to 5 miles/ kilometres.
Minimum Distance Price - set the flat fare that you want to take if miles/ kilometres less than the setting above. Note: If you don't set a Minimum Distance above then calculated Total price will be compared to the Minimum Distance price set here and the greater amount will be shown as Total.
Show Infant seats: Yes/No - this option will show or hide the Infant seats drop down at the booking form. Infant seats drop down will be shown only if there is at least one Car set up to carry a number of Infant seats.
Infant seat price - how much you charge for an Infant seat if it's free just enter 0. The number of Infant seats depends on the number of Infant seats each car can accommodate, this is configurable in the Cars section.
Show Child seats - same as above.
Child seat price - same as above.
Show Booster seats - same as above.
Booster seat price - same as above.
Currency - Chose your countries currency from the drop-down selection.
Currency Symbol - enter the currency symbol that you would like displayed in front of money values.
Price per Unit Distance - depending on what distance unit have you chosen: miles or kilometres, this is the General setting for a price that you charge for one mile/ kilometre. Note: If you have a more complex taxi fare calculator like 1-5 miles/ kilometres 1.5, 6-10 miles/ kilometres 1.6 etc. you have to use Distance Sectors at the bottom of this form.
Time charge: Yes/No - this option will enable or disable charging per minute for the duration of the whole journey (Charge per minute is used in some countries like the Netherlands and Turkey).
Charge per minute: - if Time charge is set to Yes, the value here will be used for the Time fare calculation and will be added to the Total.
Show return: Yes/No - this setting will show or hide the Return checkbox on the booking form.
Discount on return: - set a discount % if the customer requires Return journey. Leave blank for no discount.
Show return extras: Yes/No - Custom fields (separate Taxi Booking section) can be assigned to Return trips. With this setting, you decide to show or hide those Custom fields.
Wait time return discount: Yes/No - if Yes selected here then you will be able to build Return discount scheme based on Waiting time in hours and Discount %. Note: Discount % here can be a negative value which will actually increase the Total instead of discounting it eg. -10 will add 10% to the Return price of the journey.
Distance sectors: Add new button
In this section, you can create Distance sectors and assign a separate price per unit distance eg. Distance From: 0 - Distance To: 5 - Price: 1 means the Price per unit distance between 0 and 5 miles/ kilometres is $1 Note: To configure complex per mile/ kilometre taxi fares, use "Add new" button to add new Distance Sector and "Remove" button to remove a Distance Sector. Changes will be active when you Save the General Price settings panel.
Distance Sectors fare calculator can be of two different types: Cumulative or Non-cumulative. Simply put Cumulative price will add up prices for distance sectors and a Non-cumulative price will use the price of the single distance sector the journey length falls into.
Example: create sequence of prices for trips with different length eg. 0-2 x 4 means: between 0 and 2 miles long trips price per mile is £4, 2-10 x 5 means: from 2nd to 10th mile price per mile is £5
The structure has to be as follows without overlapping of mileage (if you skip a distance the Default price will be applied if journey falls in that gap):
0-5 miles x £3
5-10 miles x £2
10-20 miles x £1.5
(do not use currency symbol as it is taken from your General Settings)
Cumulative price calculation example: If the trip is 100 miles and you have set up "Price per unit distance: 1" and distance sectors 0 to 5 miles x $2, 5 to 10 miles x $1.50 then the total will be calculated: (5 x 2) + (5 x 1.5) + (90 x 1) = Total, where (5 x 2) is 0 to 5 or 5 miles x $2, (5 x 1.5) is 5 to 10 miles or 5 miles x $1.5 and (90 x 1) is total distance 100 miles - 5+5 miles sectors = 90 miles x $1 for the rest of the journey based on your Price per distance settings.
Non-cumulative price calculation example: If the trip is 100 miles and you have set up "Price per unit distance: 1" and distance sectors 0 to 20 miles x $2, 20 to 110 miles x $1.5 then the total will be calculated: 100 x 1.5 = Total as the journey of 100 miles falls in the distance sector of 20 to 110 miles where the price is $1.5 per mile.
Note: If you use Tariffs (separate Taxi Booking section) the tariffs will be automatically pulled here with a separate price for each Tariff. You can adjust those prices and Save.
Distance from: - starting distance of the sector. Note: Start each new sector with the "Distance to" number so there are no gaps between the sectors. Start the first distance sector with 0.
Distance to: - end distance of the sector.
Price: - price per unit distance of this sector.
Outbound discount: - discount as a Value (not %) for this Distance sector.
Return discount: - discount as a Value (not %) if this Distance sector is used when Return trip is selected.
Enable Service charge/Tips: Yes/No - this option controls the possibility to get Tips directly while the booking is made.
Show input box for Flat Tip: Yes/No - if you set this to Yes then an input field will show up so the customer can enter any Tip amount they chose - not a % of the trip cost.
Add new button - clicking on this button will allow you to create different % selections for tipping.
Don't forget to Save & close after you are done editing.
Map Settings
Show Map on Address search: Yes/No - this setting will show or hide the Google map in the Address search tab.
Show Map on Special offers: Yes/No - this setting will show or hide the Google map in the Special offers tab.
Show Map on Shuttles: Yes/No - this setting will show or hide the Google map in the Shuttles tab. Note: If you set to No then Google Maps API will not be used for Shuttle routes. This is very useful if you use Shuttles functionality to sell Boat or Airplane tickets where route between destinations cannot be calculated by Google maps.
Map Height - this is the height of the Google map in pixels.
Map Zoom Level - controls the zoom of the Google map shown at the front end from low to high, default value is 8. Google map zoom can adjust depending on the length of the road as well. The Google map will try to show both Origin and Destination points and the route between them when first loaded after route search.
Direction Height - this is the height of Google Directions panel shown below the Google map at the front end. Note: Set to 0 (zero) if you would like to hide Directions panel from your front end.
SSL enabled?: Yes/No - if you use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) on your website (web address starts with https:// instead of http://) then set this to Yes.
API key: - if you use your own Google Maps API key copy and paste it here. Note: If you use your own API key the daily quota of 2500 geo location queries will be just for your website instead of shared between all websites on your Shared hosting server.
Business Client Id: - if you use Google Maps for business enter your Business Client Id here.
Business Client signature: - security setting from Google Maps for Business users.
Allow stops: Yes/No - Allow customers to add stops along the way. Up to 8 stops can be added for each journey. If this is set to yes the customer will be able to set Pick up and Drop off to the same destination with at least one stop added.
Use POI in stops: Yes/No - show or hide Points of Interest drop down in Stop selection.
Use Address in stops: Yes/No - show or hide Address autocomplete in Stop selection.
Max stop time - Maximum stop time in hours allowed at each Stop.
Stop duration interval - Intervals that customer can select to spend at each stop. Select from 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 1 hour.
Charge per minute - How much do you charge per minute for the time spent at a stop. Will be added to the total Taxi Fare if a customer adds a Stop to their journey.
Since September 2013 Google has added a limit to Geolocation calls through it's API to 2500 calls per 24 hours which is still a generous amount of calls - over 1000 an hour and is plenty for small or start up businesses. However, the calls are counted for IP address and since most of the websites are hosted on shared hosting this means that 2500 calls are shared between all websites on that server IP.
We encourage companies to purchase Google's business license with Google Maps for Business but we have also added a field where you can use your own API key, Google requires SSL to go with a single API key so you may have to purchase SSL certificate for your website. Here you can specify your Business client ID and signature and the API calls will be extended to 100 000 calls per 24 hour period (information correct as of March 2014).
Base Settings
In the Base tab, you can set Area of operation, Base location and set several options for your business model.
Default Country - Country that you operate your business in, this option will narrow down Google Address auto suggest functionality at the front end to addresses in the selected Country only.
Default City - City that you operate your business mainly in.
Create Area of Operation - Interactive map where you can draw your area of operation visualizing the borders by zooming in and out the map. Note: Area of operation polygon is very important so please set it up. It will be used to compare the location of users of DriveNot mobile app with the Area of operation and your company will be shown as available for booking.
Pick up in Area: Yes/No - define if Pick up must be within the Area of operation.
Drop of in Area: Yes/No - define if Drop of must be within the Area of operation.
Both pick up and drop off in Area: Yes/No - if you can only operate in the set Area then both pick up and drop off must be within the Area of operation.
Note: A message "We don't operate in your area" along with a map with your area of operation will pop up for the user at the front end if selected address is outside of your Area of operation.
Latitude and Longitude coordinates of your Base.
Base to Pick up calculation?: Yes/No - add the distance and time from your Base to the Pick up location. Note: Not only the price will be increased by this option but also the time that takes from your Base to the Pick up location will be blocked in Car availability for the chosen vehicle (if Availability Tracking for that car is enabled).
Base to Pick up charge: Flat rate/Per unit distance - here you can set a flat fare or price per unit distance for Base to Pick up calculation.
Value: - the value of the Base to Pick up charge.
Base to Drop off calculation?: Yes/No - same as Base to Pick up but calculates the return journey from the Drop off to your Base.
Price type for Drop off to Base: Flat rate/Per unit distance - same as Base to Pick up
Value: - same as Pick up to Base price
Add time after each booking (minutes) - here you can manually add time for each journey that will be added to Car block off times eg. Personal driver time, Cleaning of vehicle etc.
Order Email settings
Besides the automatic data included in the email after a Booking like a Name, date, Pick up, Drop off etc., in this Settings panel you can add some more details to that email.
Additional notification emails: - in this area, you can include a comma-separated email list of people who will receive New order email notifications if they are not Super users or Administrators who are set to receive System emails in user manager. All Super users and Administrators set to receive system emails will receive New order notifications automatically.
Header Logo - this is where you upload your company's logo. It will be included on top of the Order confirmation email sent to the client after a successful booking.
Header Info - this is a rich text area that will work as a Header in the email sent on successful Booking.
Contact Info - this is a rich text area that will work as a Footer in the email sent on successful Booking.
Terms and Conditions Settings
Use Terms and Conditions: Yes/No - show or hide Terms and Conditions checkbox and link at the Booking form.
Terms and Conditions Info - this is a rich text area where you can create your Terms and Conditions. Terms and Conditions will be shown at the front end as a checkbox and link to full Terms and Conditions text loaded in a modal window and your clients will have to agree to your Terms and Conditions by clicking on the checkbox before they complete the booking.
Design Settings
Here you can change the colour of Taxi Booking's front end appearance to blend better with your template: booking form background, active tab colour, inactive tab colour, box colour, font colour and booking button colour.
Cars default display: Grid, List - this option allows you to select how the car Search results will be displayed to the customer.
Show map in Popup: Yes/No - recent changes to Google Maps API (June 16th 2018) have made excess usage of Maps API paid. We have optimized map display by triggering the map display only if the customer clicks the "View map" button. This option controls showing the "View Map" button if you select Yes here or showing the full Map on the rights side of the booking form if you select No here.
Show map on desktop devices: Yes/No - option to show or hide the map on desktops. Only works if Show map in Popup: No
Show map on mobile devices: Yes/No - option to show or hide the map on mobile devices. Only works if Show map in Popup: No
SMS Settings
In this section, you can set up SMS or Text message to be sent to your customer's phone to notify New bookings and Order status changes. This service is provided by Clickatell and you will need to have an account with them to set up all required information in this section. Click here for more information and sign up: Clickatell SMS Gateway connectivity to 819 Networks in 222 countries.
Clickatell API - fill in the API key you get from Clickatell after sign up.
Clickatell User name - fill in your Clickatell user name
Clickatell password - fill in your Clickatell password
Country Phone code - fill in your Country phone code without leading 0 or + sign eg. United Kingdom: 44 (NOT 044 or +44)