#2109 – Bell Notification

Posted in ‘Progressive Web App’
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Thursday, 22 July 2021 17:47 BST
 I'd like to configure the bell notification int eh following ways:

1. Is there a way for me to change the bell notification to a different image once it has been clicked/detected.

2. After selecting the bell notification, the message boxes that come up after selecting "I Agree", and then and "OK" after that. Can I close the box after clicking on "I Agree" or the "OK" box?

Hopefully, you can steer me in the right direction.

Saturday, 24 July 2021 07:09 BST
RedSys for Taxi Booking

Hope you are well.

First, once the bell icon is clicked/detected, a different HTML class should be assigned to that, you can write any CSS rule for that class.

Second, this should be possible and this may need some JavaScript tweaks to implement it.

FYI, all your customizations in the component files will be erased on the next update, so its better if you write your changes in the Template side.

If you can't implement, you can send us temporary FTP and backend access to your website so that we can try to implement from our side.

Hope this helps

Thanks & Regards

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