#2334 – Turn off registration emails

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking Light’
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Tuesday, 13 June 2023 23:35 BST

We don't want Registration, Login, Account and Profile pages.

We'd like to turn off only the registration emails with the password which go to the new clients after making a booking.

How is it possible?

Please, keep in mind that we only want to turn off the emails but not the registration itself.

Thursday, 15 June 2023 06:04 BST
RedSys for Taxi Booking
When a new user submits his first order, TaxiBooking automatically creates an account for him and emails username & password to his email address. At the same time, Joomla CMS also sends a new user notification to him. You can disable this email sending from backend Users Configuration ( see the attached ).

Hope this helps
Thursday, 15 June 2023 23:27 BST
Yes, but NO.

I've disabled the option which you said but I still get the email with the password.

You said that in the same time the email gets sent from 2 places:

1. from TaxiBooking
2. from Joomla

As you've suggested I've turned off that option shown in the attachment but emails with password still come.

I'm sending a photo as a proof.

Thank you.
Thursday, 15 June 2023 23:42 BST
I've removed the pass in any case from the photo, that's why its blank.

Saturday, 17 June 2023 08:49 BST
SumUp for Taxi Booking J4
Hi there,
It is quite tricky to turn off the registration emails to users. By law you have an obligation to provide information about past transactions (orders) of customers. If you don't send them Registration details they won't be able to log in and see their past orders or Cancel a booking if you allow cancellations (which is also required by law in some locations.
Another law is the GDPR - you can't collect personal information without explanation of how you store the information, which information you collect and why, and how the user can reach you and ask you to delete their stored information.
Please consult a licensed law advisor in your location before taking any steps further to disable notifications about collecting user data such as Registration notification emails.

Kind regards.
Monday, 19 June 2023 17:41 BST
OK, we'll rethink your information.

Thank you!
Kind regards

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