#1089 – booking form

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Friday, 03 March 2017 19:56 GMT

in the website



In the booking form in lunguages german,french,italian,russian the boxes "Riding with a child" and
" Would you like to book return service " it's not translated can we fixed it?

Regards Aris
Sunday, 05 March 2017 11:34 GMT
RedSys for Taxi Booking
Hi Aris,

You have to add language specific translations for those text in associated .ini file.

For German, please open the file de-DE.com_taxibooking.ini from SITE_ROOT/language/de-DE and add the following 2 strings with correct translations

BOOKING_FORM_RETURN_TRIP_HEADER="Would you like to book return service?"

You have to do the same thing for other languages. If you still can't translate, Please provide Temporary back end and FTP log in details to your website in a PRIVATE ticket so we can take a closer look and help you with your issue.

Thanks a lot
Monday, 06 March 2017 20:47 GMT
hello and thank you for your replay.

could you please give me some more information where i can find

de-DE.com_taxibooking.ini from SITE_ROOT/language/de-DE

thank you in advance
Tuesday, 07 March 2017 05:18 GMT
RedSys for Taxi Booking
Hi Aris,

You have to browse your server files and enter into frontend language directory, that should be something like /public_html/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_taxibooking.ini. If you can't do that, Please provide Temporary back end and FTP log in details to your website in a PRIVATE ticket so we can take a closer look and help you with your issue.

Issue description:

Ftp server:
Ftp user:
Ftp password:

Website URL:
Back end URL:
Super user:

Hope this helps

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