#1262 – Booking for more than 1 vehicles

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Monday, 03 July 2017 15:56 BST
Is it possible for customers to make one booking for more vehicles? i.e. 2 minivans?
Also, when a route is not possible or is too soon, is it possible to add a link where they can request a transfer?
Thank you
Tuesday, 04 July 2017 11:46 BST
SumUp for Taxi Booking J4
at the moment it is not possible to add more than 1 vehicle to the same Order.
There is no possibility to display a message for routes that can not be calculated by Google Maps API or when the booking is too soon but you can change the message "Booking is too soon ..." via language overrides and include your Phone number there so the customer can call you.

Here is a link to documentation on how to safely use Joomla language overrides: https://kanev.com/blog/22-joomla-language-override

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.

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