#2235 – An error has occurred "APPREGULATOR_URL"

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Monday, 09 January 2023 17:10 GMT
Stripe for Taxi Booking
 Dear Kanev team

I made fresh install of taxi booking on J3 installed n sub folder because we migrate to J4,
using PHP 8.1
Not best solution but should be ok till you don't update for J4

All seems to work OK except when I save
settings --> Base Settings
I get:
An error has occurred.
0 Undefined constant "APPREGULATOR_URL"
Return to Control Panel

Base still save with all configuration and don't seem this error cause any trouble, but I have the sane version on Joomla 3 old installation with PHP 7.4 and don't shown this error.

Is this PHP related or something else

Thank you
Sunday, 22 January 2023 11:04 GMT
Joomla LMS Free
Hi Marko,
this issue is probably because you have Taxi Booking installed in a sub-folder. App regulator URL is actually the identifier of your website and company at the drivenot.com reviews website.
We might be able to fix that but it shouldn't cause any trouble. If you see any issues please open a Private support ticket and provide temporary access to your website and temporary FTP access to your server.

Kind regards.
Sunday, 22 January 2023 11:05 GMT
Joomla LMS Free
Hi Marko,
this issue is probably because you have Taxi Booking installed in a sub-folder. App regulator URL is actually the identifier of your website and company at the drivenot.com reviews website.
We might be able to fix that but it shouldn't cause any trouble. If you see any issues please open a Private support ticket and provide temporary access to your website and temporary FTP access to your server.

Kind regards.

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