#2322 – taxibooking performance J4

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Wednesday, 07 June 2023 00:18 BST
Taxi Booking recurring updates Annually
Could you tell me when you plan to add the functionality of special routes with points of interest in taxibooking joomla 4? For us, this functionality is essential to continue using the component.

Monday, 12 June 2023 14:22 BST
SumUp for Taxi Booking J4
Hi there,
we are not planning to add this feature at the moment.
If you are interested we can research the possibility and provide you with a development price quote and time frame. We can also add the project to our Development section so other interested users can contribute to its development.

Please let us know.
Kind regards.
Monday, 12 June 2023 15:12 BST
Taxi Booking recurring updates Annually
ok, can you give me the budget to incorporate this function in joomla 4 please, and the delay time

Tuesday, 13 June 2023 13:15 BST
SumUp for Taxi Booking J4
Hi there,
it will take around 20 business days to add Fixed fare routes to Taxi Booking to Joomla 4 and we have created a crowdfunding development project for it that you can contribute to here: https://kanev.com/development/taxi-booking-for-joomla-4/96-fixed-fare-routes

I hope this helps.
Kind regards.

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