#48 – More than 4 passengers?

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Saturday, 12 July 2014 15:56 BST
Taxi Booking recurring updates Annually
Hi and congratulations for your software.
i have just setup taxi booking to my website (http://cretetaxitours.gr/book-online-beta) and I'd like to know if it's possible when someone selects more than 4 passengers (i.e. 6 pass.), can we provide the choice to book two different cars in the same order? Of course the route will cost double.
Also can you have a look to the mouse pointer when hovers in date field. It's like disable symbol (not hand like hour field) but works fine.
Thank you very much.
Saturday, 12 July 2014 20:27 BST
Hi tzortzinis,
It is not possible to select 2 cars in one Order currently. The logic of creating a booking and blocking Car availability requires single car booking process at this moment.
Passenger selection is also tracked and only cars that can accommodate selected number of passengers will be shown. If all of your cars can fit 4 passengers only then the drop down for Adult seats will show only up to 4 so the users can't select more than that.
The mouse pointer not-allowed is caused by the template.
You can override the cursor pointer by adding these lines to your template's CSS override:

#verticle_booking_wrap .verticl_booking_bottompart .date_Wrap .date_inputbox{
cursor: default !important;

Here is some information on safe Joomla CSS override

Hope this helps.
Best regards.
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