#77 – Calculation Price by distance ?

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Saturday, 30 August 2014 09:36 BST

How can i get this fonction ?


2,00 € by KM from 0 to 50 KM
1,80 € by KM from 50 to 100 KM
1,70 € by KM from 100 to 200 KM
1,60 € by KM from 200 to 300 KM
1,50 € by KM from 300 to 400 KM
1,40 € by KM over 400 KM


Best regards

CW91 Team
Saturday, 30 August 2014 11:16 BST
Sorry, i found it by myself

Best regards

CW91 Team
Saturday, 30 August 2014 11:32 BST 5'
Hi Roberto,
I'm glad you managed to find it.
You have to use the Distance sectors in Settings > Price settings to make use of that calculation.
Or you can set up Distance sectors for each car if you have different prices for different Cars.
Just note that there are 2 options to use Distance sectors: Non-cumulative and Cumulative
Non-cumulative will show the price from the distance the trip falls into eg. trip of 55km in your case will result in 55km x €1.80
Cumulative price will calculate each sector separately and add them together eg. trip of 55km in your case will result in (50km x €2) + (5km x €1.80)
One other thing to note is that you should use (.) instead of (,) when adding prices.
Best regards.
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