#82 – Auto email on taxibooking to customer

Posted in ‘Taxi Booking for Joomla’
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Wednesday, 03 September 2014 17:46 BST
Taxi Booking recurring updates
Hi Mrs, Kanev

I would like to ask you if it is possible the taxibooking to send automatically a reply email to the customer when the customer makes a book. It will be very helpful if I could create different emails depending on the pick up and drop off destination, which means that I could create an email and assign it to a pick up destination and a drop off destination so that email could be send only if the customers make a booking from the same pickup and drop off destinations. The email should also send the extra information that he had filled into the booking form. I would also the auto reply to check the difference in hours from the booking time to the booking pick up date-time. It would be very helpful if that difference could be assign as a parameter in the email.
Wednesday, 03 September 2014 17:58 BST 5'
Taxi Booking already sends automatic email confirmation on each booking and booking status changes.
What you need is extra email parameter in the Points of Interest that will add some text to the Confirmation email if the customer selects this Point of Interest at the back end, right?
I don't understand what "check the difference in hours from the booking time to the booking pick up date-time" means and what parameter should this difference control?
Please send us more details.
Best regards.
Saturday, 06 September 2014 13:45 BST
Taxi Booking recurring updates
Ok, I found another solution for me and I will send the information manually for the moment, but I will inform you again if I need something.

Thank You.
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