Hi Mrs, Kanev
I would like to ask you if it is possible the taxibooking to send automatically a reply email to the customer when the customer makes a book. It will be very helpful if I could create different emails depending on the pick up and drop off destination, which means that I could create an email and assign it to a pick up destination and a drop off destination so that email could be send only if the customers make a booking from the same pickup and drop off destinations. The email should also send the extra information that he had filled into the booking form. I would also the auto reply to check the difference in hours from the booking time to the booking pick up date-time. It would be very helpful if that difference could be assign as a parameter in the email.
I would like to ask you if it is possible the taxibooking to send automatically a reply email to the customer when the customer makes a book. It will be very helpful if I could create different emails depending on the pick up and drop off destination, which means that I could create an email and assign it to a pick up destination and a drop off destination so that email could be send only if the customers make a booking from the same pickup and drop off destinations. The email should also send the extra information that he had filled into the booking form. I would also the auto reply to check the difference in hours from the booking time to the booking pick up date-time. It would be very helpful if that difference could be assign as a parameter in the email.